Reading tea leaves has traditionally been practiced by the women in the family at gatherings of family and friends.
To see what your cup of tea has to say about the future, follow these simple steps:
1. Brew loose leaf tea in a pot and pour; unrestrained, into your cup.
2. Drink all but the last sip, leaving a teaspoon of tea and the leaves in your cup.
3. Swirl the tea and leaves three times counter clockwise.
4. Turn the cup over and place on the saucer. Wait for the tea to drain out.
5. Turn the cup right side up and examine the pattern of the leaves.
6. Leaves near the top deal with the near future, leaves on the bottom of the cup, the distant future. Leaves near the handle are said to relate to the home.
7. The formation of symbols in the leaves is used to tell the future. A few include:
- Triangle~inheritance
- Ladder~promotion
- Star~good luck
- Ring~marriage
- Tree~success, happiness
- Cow~prosperity
- Dog~a good friend
- Cat~treachery
- Umbrella~shelter
Olivia Vidal
© 2009
Teaporia by Tea Time with Liv
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